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From our Collections...

Members Choices - February and March 2021

For our "Teams" meeting in February and March members were invited to exhibit sheets on any subject they liked.

Some of these displays are shown here. We have:

Canadian Super Heroes. A look at the Canadian Superhero issue of 1995.

Olympic stamps from the Winter and Summer 1932 games. This collection was not limited to postal issues; a lot of cinderella material was also included, together with an explanation for the term "Cinderella".

Tuva. An unusual country prompting the suggestion of exhibits on the most obscure place we know...

Askania. A German postcard from 1926 prompted an investigation of Askania Werke AG and the German Airmail system at the time

Up in the Air. This exhibit starts with the famous INVERTED JENNY so it deserves it's own introduction!

You can see the whole of these displays, by clicking the appropriate image

By clicking links you will download a PDF file of the exhibit, so you will need to have Adobe or another PDF reader on you computer, to see the file